New Creation of Faith/Bienvenido
Nueva Creación de Fe (New Creation of Faith) Christian School is located at Batey Bienvenido, a community located in the municipality of Manoguayabo, west of the Santo Domingo province. The school was founded 40 years ago in 1981 to provide access to children of Haitian immigrant families that at the time, were not allowed into the public schools due to lack of documents. For many years, it was the only school in that neighborhood. Batey Bienvenido had 6,134 inhabitants in the 2010 census. This population was divided into 1,697 households, resulting in a population density of 3.6 inhabitants per household.
In Batey Bienvenido, access to school is more difficult than other surrounding communities, and many families choose not to send their children to school, along with the fact that there is a significant percentage of Haitian inhabitants who in many cases have not had access to education due to lack of proper documentation or only speak Haitian Creole. However, the evolution of the numbers of enrolled students indicates that year after year the number of students increases.
Mika’s Lunch and Sinergia have been partnering with FUNFONAVI, another ministry located at Batey Bienvenido, that serves a hot meal to approximately 150 children from the poorest families. The addition of New Creation of Faith School will now increase the number of children who will now receive proper nutrition while receiving Christ-centered education.
Fe Maria Abreu, the Principal at New Creation of Faith, shares her enthusiasm about her school involvement in the Mika’s Lunch program:
Principal Fe Maria Abreu
"With regards to our school, we can say that there is a “before” and an “after” the Mika’s Lunch program. Our student enrollment had dropped a lot the previous couple of years, and with the pandemic we lost even more students, as parents did not have the means to pay tuition and send their children to school. In some cases, they did not even have the means to provide them with food. Once the program was implemented, we began to see a rapid growth in our enrollment, receiving 2 and 3 new children every day.The students are happier. Attendance rates have increased, and the overall performance is also a lot better. Our projection is that the next school year, we will have even more applications, and this is surely due to the added benefit of having a hot daily hot, delicious and nutritious meal at school. Thank you, Mika’s Lunch. May the Lord continue to bless you!
Mrs. sherly jeudy
Mrs. Sherly Jeudy, mother of the pre-primary student Eloise Auguste from New Creation of Faith school shares how happy she feels and very grateful, first to God, and then to the school for being mindful of her and her family, since she does not work and is single mother, the current situation has become chaotic in terms of her inabilty to provide for her children. She prays that God will continue blessing this ministry and each obe of of those involved in the entire process supporting students and providing for them and their families.
lucy bonet
Blessings for all, my name is Lucy Bonet, I am one of the mothers of the Filadelphia Christian School, I have 4 children and I have been benefited with the food rations that the school has delivered to more than 150 families. The majority of us are people with limited resources; with the pandemic, our economical situation has worsened, and providing for our family has become a lot more difficult. With this support we have managed to beat the situation a little. I am very grateful for this support that is provide by Mikas Lunch through the school. Thank you for this great gesture of love and solidarity. God bless you very much.