Hi, my name is Miguel, I am the second of my father’s three children. My oldest sister, Isnaida, is 15 years old, and my younger sister, Marlenny, is 10. We live with our father alone, since our mother passed away when my youngest sister was born. My dad spends all day long on the street, working, and my older sister takes care of us. Attending school at Philadelphia has been a huge relief for my dad, as he is now less stressed and worried when he goes to work because he now knows that we not only are attending a safer Christian school, but also that we are going to be fed with a hot meal every day before going back home. Many times, before, we had to wait until he returned home late in the evening to be able to prepare some food. We are tremendously blessed to have the opportunity to attend Filadelfia. We thank God, for our school that gives us food every day, I also thank the Mika’s Lunch program for the support that they provide us. I pray that God will continue to bless you and every person that contributes through you.